Everything Your Child Should Know About : Money & Finance
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Foreword by Danielle Francois, M.Ed.
When Darrel first shared his book’s concepts with me, I immediately thought “how awesome is this?” I expressed to him that Civics is now a full year course and Free Enterprise is no longer a course offered in my school systemSo, the in-depth teaching of things I formally discussed in the Free Enterprise course are no longer covered. He felt that students needed a guide; something geared toward them that explains concepts and skills they should have down by the time they complete high school and enter the adult world. He, as well as I, knew what it was like to become adults and to all of a sudden have to make financial decisions. Having no idea of a credit score and how it affected our ability to obtain loans to buy items like cars or what an overdraft charge was and how that could even affect you. He felt that it was our duty as adults to explain these concepts to young people so they won’t fall victim to financial traps. Thus, his guide to money and finances was created!.
What You’ll Learn
- Fun Activities that will aid in making informed money management decisions.
- The difference between needs and wants.
- The pros and cons of debit and credit cards.
- What to look for when opening a checking and savings account.
- What overdraft fees are and how they work.
- How to write a check, make deposits, withdrawals etc.
- The importance of developing smart saving habits early.
- And much, much more…
Publication Information
ISBN: 978-0-9997372-0-0
E-Book: 978-0-9997372-1-7
Published: Dec 18, 2017;
Available in: English, Spanish
Edition: First Edition
Publisher: Good Book Smart Kids Publishing LLC